Responding an air duct cleaning job is very rewarding! When someone calls us to their home and has confidence that I will tell them the truth about their system, it's an opportunity to make a good impression and hopefully a friend. Not to be taken lightly.
People can adapt to all kinds of environments, including toxic ones. When I look into an air duct return with a cameras eye, I see what that family is breathing at night as they lie sleeping. I look forward to hearing back from them later how the cleaning has improved the way they feel. Removing dust, mold, mildew takes a lot of skill because a lot of what causes poor air quality is hidden in your home. High concentrations of mildew for instance drop indoor air quality substancially, but is isolated in the system, so you have to know where to look to find it.
When you hire someone to clean your air duct system, you better make sure they are willing to take the time to be thorough enough to clean the plenum by hand if necessary. In some cases you might have to get the a-coil removed and replaced.